
Function of the commitee

Functions of the management committee of the Kastellorizian Association of Vic Inc..

            Each person elected to the committee will be:

  • Responsible for their allocated role but will also be able to cross the boundaries of their role description to ensure the Association functions efficiently and smoothly at all times.

  • Willing and able to work in a Team

  • Available to assist in the set up and cleaning following functions

  • Willing to attend and support as many Kastellorizian functions as possible.


The democratically elected head of the association. He must ensure that the articles of the Association are followed paying attention to it's philanthropic nature. His endeavour is to gather together the best possible group of specialists available who are dedicated to work for the growth of the association. He is a fundemental pivot for the Association as he ultimately bears the responsibility for the correct operation of the Association. This also entails the guidance and co-ordination of the office bearers and committee members. This is a solitary role that requires considerable time, effort,  creativity and family dedication. This role requires a person to be available, at all times, for all the committee and members to communicate with when they queries and/or issues. The president of the association has to represent the association at official functions and convey the message of the association if and as required.


a.Responsible for the correct operation of the Association

b. Provides guidance and co-ordination of the office bearers and committee members.

c. Ensures the articles of the Association are followed and maintains its philanthropic nature.

d. Ensures that the best possible group of elected specialists works as a dedicated team in the interest of the Association and to ensure the growth of the Association.

e. Must be available, at all times, for all the committee and members to communicate with as queries and/or issues arise

f. Represent the association or nominate a person to act on the Presidents behalf, at official functions and convey the message of the Association as required.

Vice President

He/she must be available to take over from the President, if and as required, to ensure there is no interuption to the operation of the Association. This person is the right hand of the president and a main responsibilty is to complete the work that is required of the president when the president is unable to physically meet the demands. They are sometimes unappreciated and often have a penchant for becoming President one day.


a.Must be available to take over from the President, as required, to ensure there is no interruption to the operation of the  Association.

b. Represent the Association to act on the President's behalf when requested by the President

c. Complete the work that is required of the President when the President is unable to physically meet the demands or when asked by the President to do so.

d. Assist the President with duties when requested

e. Must be available to assist other committee members and participate actively in other aspects of the committee.


Is individually the most important person next to the President. This person is responsibile for carrying out the administration of the entire association. The Secretary single- handedly must support the President and ensure they provide a back-up function. Duties or tasks may include items that the President needs to be made aware of or using initiative to 'fill in the gaps' at times. This person typically must be incisive, sensible, thoughtful, compassionate and, most importantly, be dedicated to the needs of the entire committee.


a.Responsible for carrying out the administration of the entire association.

b. Responsible for the recording the minutes of each meeting, distributing the minutes to all committee members and ensuring that meeting agenda is distributed

c. Must document all written correspondence

d. Ensure all correspondence is acknowledged and distributed.

e. Must use initiation to 'fill in the gaps' when required.

Assistant Secretary:

Assist the Secretary at all times with all administrative duties and take on the role of Secretary when the Secretary is not available (see above).

The Treasurer:

Works closely with the Events Committee and budgets for each function, reporting back to the committee. The main role is to oversee the finances of the association and advise the committee on fiscal matters including bank accounts, investments and prepare budgets, reports and financial information which is ultimately forwarded to the Association's' accountant each year.


a. Oversee the finances of the association

b. Advise the committee on fiscal matters including bank accounts and investments

c. Prepare budgets, reports and financial information which is ultimately forwarded to the Association's accountant each year.

d. Responsible for organizing the AGM report along with the Communications officer/Newsletter

e. Must liaise with the

    i. Events Manager to provide a budget for each function

    ii. Editor to provide a

                          1. Budget and

                          2. Separate breakdown of function expenses, merchandising, newsletter, postage and stationary cost etc 

                               for the AGM report.

f. Liaise with the communications officer/newsletter editor to provide yearly budgets for the newsletter and other printed communications.

Membership Manager:

a. Maintain the database of all financial, non-fee paying over 65s members.

b. Maintain the mailing list (postal and email addresses) for the distribution of the newsletter.

c. Constantly amend the contact details of all current and "lost" members and their relatives to maintain accuracy

d. Provide details of members status to the secretary for recording in the committee meeting minutes when memberships are received

e. Liaise with the communications/Newsletter Editor to provide

i. The mailing list and address stickers for the newsletter mail outs.

ii. A membership report for the AGM report.

f. Be available at functions to take memberships

g. Issue receipts for memberships

h. Ensure growth of the contact circle of names and addresses, email information, and enlist new Kazzie members of Kastellorizian heritage.

IT Manager

Is called upon to maintain the information and technology systems of the Association. This typically involes the provision of systems to meet the information objectives of the Association. Most recently this has involved the generation of a website where information related to the Association and it's Greek culture is available. The role requires the co-ordination of  information and ensuring this is accurately and efficiently posted to the website. This person liaises with the other Committee members on a frequent basis in addition to ensuring all members are informed as to the status and direction of the Association through the the dissemination of information. The IT Manager is required to also focus on maintaining the interest of all ages and levels of the membership through its website activities.


a.Responsible for maintaining the information and technology systems of the Association. maintaining and upgrading information technology systems website-

i. Maintain the computer needs of the Association.

ii. Maintain the TV, audiovisual equipment as well as the lectern and microphone

b. Ensure that information displayed on the website is accurate and efficiently posted to the website.

c. Ensure that the focus of the website is of interest to all age groups

d. Maintain password protected areas of the website that are accessible to all financial and registered non-fee paying members and a KAV committee only section

e. Provide individual passwords to

i. Members to access members section

ii. Committee members to access committee only section of the website

f. Liaise with the other Committee members on a frequent basis to ensure the Committee and all members are informed of the activities of the Association and any information relevant to Kastellorizo

g. Liaise with the editor of the Kazzie News to ensure that information is exchanged and available to all media forms.

Communications Officer/Newsletter Editor


a. Responsible for the production of 3-4 newsletters, AGM report and any other printed documents and/or calendars

b. Responsible for sourcing, collecting articles and information for the Kazzie News.

c. Responsible for formatting and editing the newsletter and AGM report.

d. Has the authority to form a newsletter subcommittee to assist with the described tasks to ensure that the newsletter and other printed documents are printed and issued on time and are of a standard and quality.

e. Responsible for organizing a proof reading team to ensure that the newsletter is free of any printing errors

f. Liaise with the-

i. Printers to ensure that the documents are printed and collected on time

ii. IT Manager to ensure that the newsletter

           1. Promotes the website

           2. The newsletter is uploaded to website

           3. Work with the IT manager to transfer the newsletter form a printed form to an email distributed document.

           4. Work with the Membership manager to ensure that the mailing list is maintained and available for mail outs

           5. Work with the Events Manager to ensure that all functions are accurately and adequately advertised.

           6. Liaise with the Treasure to ensure that the costs match the budget expenditure

           7. Liaise with the mail out team/committee to organize mail out.

Photographic Manager

a. Responsible for taking, collecting and preserving the Association events and cultural history through photographs.

b. Responsible for liaising with the newsletter editor and IT manager to provide photographs in a suitable and useable format for the newsletter and website

c. Responsible for liaising with the Cultural Manager to accurately document the events

Events Manager

Is required to nominate the functions for the year and budget with the Finance Manager, reporting to the committee on the outcome of each completed function. He will co-opt people to carry out specific tasks for these functions and also form sub-committees or working parties in order that member attributes and social connections can assist in making a each function a success both socially and financially.


a. Required to suggest the functions for the year and bring them to the attention of the committee.

b. Has the authority, where appropriate to form a subcommittee to assist with the organization of and set up of functions.

c. Liaise with the committee for approval of events

d. Liaise with the Treasurer to budget for events.

e. Liaise with the Kastellorizian Seniors Inc and "Megisti Club" to ensure there is no clash with other functions

f. Report to the committee on the outcome of each completed function and provide a report for the AGM report.

g. Liaise with the Newsletter editor to provide

i. Flyers for the advertisement of events in the newsletter

ii. Follow up articles, reports and photographs for the newsletter and AGM report

h. Must liaise with the IT manager editor to provide

i. Flyers for the advertisement of events on the website

ii. Photos etc following the release of the newsletter

Facilities Manager:

a. Responsible for the maintenance of the clubrooms, facilities and the building in general.

b. Responsible for obtaining quotes and liaising with trade persons.

c. Be involved in any discussions, upgrades and renovations of the facility and has the authority to form a subcommittee to assist with these tasks.

d. Responsible for liaising with Treasurer to ensure all quotes are within budget and are paid.

Cultural Manager:

a. Responsible for the collection and archive storage of historical documents and memorabilia and to document and preserve our cultural heritage.

b. Has the authority to form a subcommittee to assist with these tasks

c. Responsible for liaising with Allan Cresswell to provide information and assist with maintenance of the Kastellorizian genealogical data base.

d. Responsible for overseeing the Victorian Multicultural Grant is enacted and maintained or can appoint an appropriate grants convener.

Youth Representative:

a. Is a person under the age of 25 who can work the Association to advise them of the needs and interests of the younger generation.

b. Liaise with other youth of Kastellorizian descent to for a subcommittee to arrange functions for their age groups with the committee's approval and financial backing

c. Responsible for maintaining the aims and standards of the Association

d. Represent the Kastellorizian youth in the wider

Welfare Officer:

a. Organise tributes, memorial notices and where possible represent the Kastellorizian Association of Victoria at funerals.

b. Organise get well cards for member how are seriously ill or injured

c. Visit seriously ill or injured members where appropriate.

Membership Manager

Is a person who maintains the database of all financial members. This person has to constantly amend the contact details of lost members and their relatives; to ensure growth of the contact circle of names and addresses, email information, and by the enlistment of new Kazzie members of Kastellorizian heritage.