
Current Committee

As part of the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 3rd October 2010 elections were held for the Office Bearer positions and Committee members. The committee titles and contact details are provided below and you can view this photo of the Committee taken at our clubrooms. 


Current Committee

President - Yvonne Panagacos (0421 326 199)

Acting Vice-President - Evelyn Salvaris  (0411 464 369)

Secretary - Chrysanthi Kousoukis (0402 253 244)

Assistant Secretary � Tony Lolas (0411 221 407)

Treasurer � Christine Mastores-Davidson (0414 822 234)

Assistant Treasurer � John Karis (0421 662 079)

Cultural Co-ordinator - Chrysanthi Kousoukis (0402 253 244)

Events Manager - Flora Hamilton (0419 381 515)

Assistant Events Manager - Christine Mastores-Davidson (0414 822 234)

Facilities Manager - Nik Spartels (0414 596 223)

IT Manager - John Karis (0412 662 079)

Membership Manager - Katina Garrick (03 9749 6240)

Newsletter & Kazzie Communications Editor - Evelyn Salvaris (0411 464 369)

Welfare Manager - George Verginis (0417 542 224)