Kastellorizian Youth Achievement Awards (KYAA)
Since 1993 the Kastellorizian Association of Victoria has presented awards to students who have completed their VCE certificates. The current committee will continue to acknowledge the achievements of young students who have completed VCE studies. In addition to this, the committee wishes to extend and acknowledge the success and personal achievements of our youth in other fields of endeavors and introduce the Kastellorizian Youth Achievement Awards (KYAA). These new awards are to highlight the success of our youth up to 25 years of age in fields such as: completion of apprenticeships, the arts (music, dance, theatre, film, fine arts etc), business and industry; community service; sports and tertiary education etc.
2011 - Adriana Hendrickson (information to follow)
The Association is pleased to announce that Adriana Hendrickson has been awarded the Kastellorizian Youth Achievement Award for her involvement as a volunteer for Oxfam and as a participant in the �Relay for Life� (2009-2011) for the Cancer Council of Victoria. Adriana is the daughter of Eula (Bisas) Hendrickson and granddaughter of Jack and Marika Bisas. She was also awarded a Duke of Edinburgh Award and completed her VCE last year. Adriana along with Amanda Mangos and Michael Caripis will be presented with a VCE Recognition Award for the completion of their VCE studies in 2010. Amanda is the daughter of Barbara (Bisas) and Kevin Mangos and Michael is the son of Christine (Constanti) and Andrew Caripis.
2010 - there was no awardee
2009 KYAA Awardee - Lisa Caripis
2008 KYAA Awardees - Cassandra Zervos and Ncholas Paltoglou
2007 KYAA Inaugural Award - Katherine Gekas